5Sの真価を知っていますか?/ Learn the true meaning of 5S
- 何を要るもの、何を要らないものと判断してきたか
- 要らないものをどのように捨てたか
- 要るものはどのように保管してあるか
- 清掃する時に使った道具、方法があればそれら
5S is a term that those with work experience in manufacturing or any field with physical workplaces will definitely have heard of. Many of you can probably recite what it stands for: Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.
There might be many companies out there saying, “In our place, we barely manage to implement 3S let alone 5S.” Whether it’s 5S or 3S, the steps generally start with ‘Sort’, ‘Set in order’, and ‘Shine’, followed by ‘Standardize’ and ‘Sustain’. Even companies that are implementing 3S are likely to follow this order.
The reason why I point this out is because the meaning of the efforts changes between the first three S’s and the last two. The first 3S is a practical process.
As you can see, ‘Sort’, ‘Set in order’, and ‘Shine’ are all actions. In other words, they are practical processes.
Sorting allows for the selection of what is necessary and what is not, setting in order discards unnecessary items, and shining cleans everything up. It’s important for the company or organization to correctly repeat these actions.
By ‘correctly’, I mean it’s not just about individuals carrying out these tasks but that they need to be performed regularly as an organization. This is where the last two S’s come in. The last 2S are standardization processes.
The last 2S refer to ‘Standardize’ and ‘Sustain’.
‘Standardize’, unlike the first 3S, indicates a state. After disposing of unnecessary items and cleaning, you end up with a ‘standardized’ state. Moreover, ‘sustain’ essentially refers to education, or to put it more simply, sharing information. The information that should be shared here includes the processes of sorting, setting in order, and shining.
This process includes things like:
What was deemed necessary and unnecessary
How unnecessary items were discarded
How necessary items are stored
If there were specific tools or methods used when cleaning
In other words, you should explain to your coworkers, “I paid attention to these things when doing 3S” or “I thought about it this way and ended up with this result”.
As a result, the method by which workplace members engaged in 3S is shared as information. People who didn’t know the methods used by certain members will learn about them and be able to use them to improve the efficiency and quality of their own work.
In essence, by implementing all the way up to the second ‘S’, you complete the process of improving operations within an organization. Don’t limit 5S to just 5S.
You’ve probably understood by now. The 5S represented by ‘Sort’, ‘Set in order’, ‘Shine’, ‘Standardize’, and ‘Sustain’ is a ‘business improvement process’.
As you well know, business improvement isn’t just about preserving the work environment. The essentials that need improvement are practical tasks related to the main business, the use of facilities that support those tasks, the handling of tools and supplies, education for new entrants to the workplace, and so on. People working within companies are supposed to be constantly thinking about better ways to handle these issues.
From now on, try applying these thoughts and the processes you’re considering to 5S. You may find hints to prevent backsliding after improvements have been made and to avoid inconsistency among those responsible.