【新型エルフ】プレス部品の大型化・一体化の効果【人とくるまのテクノロジー展】- YouTubeより / Effects of larger press parts and integration in Isuzu’s New ELF

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English article is below.

2023年5月24~26日にパシフィコ横浜で開催された人と車のテクノロジー展 2023年(横浜)にて展示されていたいすゞ自動車製新型エルフのホワイトボディにて、そこに適用されたプレス技術の特徴と今後の製品開発におけるポイントと考えられる点について詳しく解説します。














This article will provide a detailed explanation of the features of the press technology applied to the new Isuzu ELF’s white body, exhibited at the Human and Car Technology Exhibition 2023 held at Pacifico Yokohama from May 24th to 26th, 2023, and the points that are considered important in future product development.

Accomplishment of Floor Integration

The new Isuzu ELF underwent a full model change in March 2023, officially announcing its BEV version. A particular point of interest in the displayed white body is the component structure of the cabin floor. The structure, which used to consist of two welded parts, has now been changed to a single press part. This may seem like a minor change at first glance, but the technical development difficulty and the impacts of this change on the manufacturing process and its benefits are highly significant.

Pressing the relevant part with a single piece of material is a major advancement from a manufacturing perspective. In the case of commercial vehicles, the underbody has drive system mechanisms like the engine, and it is inevitable that a step is created to secure space for them. Pressing a single part that includes this stepped section can be a significant challenge as it could lead to tearing or wrinkling due to shape issues. However, this challenge has been successfully overcome in this model.

Benefits of Floor Integration: Increased Rigidity

Further, the ability to press a single piece has made it possible to overlap and take allowances continuously with adjacent members. This allows for continuous spot welding, thereby increasing the rigidity of the cabin. While this is a case where the method and obtained results do not uniformly match in technical development, these kinds of accumulated improvements implemented for each model lead to improved product quality and are important points of enhancement that cannot be overlooked.

The Potential for Applying Aluminum Die-cast Parts to Commercial Vehicles

Recently, there has been an approach in passenger cars to integrally mold structural members with aluminum die casting. Is such an approach feasible in commercial vehicles?

Trucks and passenger cars fundamentally differ in their body structures. Passenger cars typically assemble monocoque bodies by welding pillar-shaped members and plate-shaped members that have been integrally molded. However, commercial vehicles are structured with a cabin mounted on a frame. Therefore, the cabin of a truck does not necessarily have to directly absorb shocks or deformations during driving, and there is not a strong demand to increase the rigidity of the cabin itself. As such, there isn’t necessarily a trend to directly apply the methodologies used in passenger cars.

Considering these unique backgrounds of commercial vehicles, the new ELF has realized product quality and process improvement by properly implementing technical approaches. When viewed from this background, it’s understandable that the seemingly minor changes each manufacturer applies to each model hold significant meaning.

Above is an introduction to the characteristics and technological evolution seen from the white body of the new Isuzu ELF. The progress of such technology gives a real sense of the continuous evolution in the automobile industry.

This article was created based on the content of a video posted on our YouTube channel. If you would like to see detailed explanations and footage, please watch the video.

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